Have a new Youtube Channel, that I'm just about to have go live.
It's going to be at
I just posted a video I've had for a couple weeks now. The finished video will be up soon. Looking forward to it! It's shot by Ryan Maxey and the music is by Akir. Will update when it's up! In meantime check out the unfinished version.
The new Youtube Channel's going to have videos about my Danger-Squad project (campaigns, live updated videos and future motion comics.) I'll also have some Kickstarter and Indiegogo vids that would be updated from time to time on the channel.
I'll post live videos about future information on projects that I'm working on. That will be key, as I'm going to be pushing to wrap up work on Danger-Squad this month so I can start work on my next project which will be titled "When It's Night" ... the official website is not up yet, but you can go to check it out at www.whenitsnight.com...
Hope you like what you see so far, and hopefully this Youtube channel turns out to be big! "Crosses fingers"
Duran Rivera